Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Media Meditation #6: Fake News?

As I looked through the Wall Street Journal that was laying around my parents house, I came across an article about Barack Obama. Usually I find it highly interesting to read about what Obamas newest plans are on current issues but this time I was shocked to what News has come to.
The way I perceive News is the communication of information on current events that are important for society to be aware of.

This article in the Wall Street Journal was mainly about what kind of sports Barack Obama prefers. They discuss how Obama played more Golf than former president George Bush did and why he does not play as much basketball. I personally am not interested in what kind of sports Obama likes and why he does not play Basketball. I read the newspaper to find out current issues in the economy, politics or problems around the world.

Unfortunately newspapers or any other print are out for profit just like any other business is. I can't blame them because people strive for success which is often associated with money. Society today sometimes do not want to hear about politics or actual important issues but rather like to know about ridiculous issues such as Jon and Kate plus eight and how their marriage is going down hill or why Britney Spears shaved her head.

People get sucked into pointless news such as Britney Spear's life but magazines and newspapers play a big part in that. They use reality Construction, card stacking, beautiful people, name calling and much more to convince people that Britney Spears 'issue' is important.

Society gets sucked right into it and read more about 'Pointless Media' than actual issues that are important to the society or environment.

This Video shows how there is a great demand for Paris Hiltons new show considering it made it to the news and it had high ratings. I am not saying that I do not look at magazine covers and would want to read more about why Britney shaved her head but I find it shocking that media and news has come so far that pointless stories might be more important to people than actual issues that are going on in the world right now.

As we have seen in class media and news is driven by profit and it adjusts to people's demands which often leads to untruthful news that are carefully being created because that's what people want. Something to talk about.
I wonder how much of the news put out everyday is actually true and what is being added to make it more interesting?

1 comment:

  1. If Paris doesn't get a new best friend soon, Nina, and Barack doesn't get his putting game down, I am going to VERY cranky.

    Just don't ask me to think about the collapse of the US economy, the 34,000 more troops O is about to send to Afghanistan, or the Wall Street "banksters" bamboozling US citizens out of billions of dollars.

    I've got to go read the Wall Street Journal...

    Excellent blog post.

