Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Media Meditation #8: Techno? Techyes!

Today is November 25th a day before Thanksgiving and I am impatiently waiting for it to be Friday. Not because I don't like Thanksgiving, in fact we just started celebrating it when we moved to the states, but because I am going to NYC on black Friday to see my favorite Techno DJ David Guetta.

You are probably asking yourself what this has to do with Media, it's just some European DJ. Well since I grew up in Germany I have always listened to Techno/House music mainly because that is what they play at clubs. People in the states always picked on me for listening to this kind of music because they weren't used to it. My friends here listened to the top 10 charts while I was rocking out to Techno.

This is a live video of David Guetta performing in Amsterdam. As you can see people get very excited and the atmosphere is just incredible.

David Guetta was never really famous in the states mainly because people did not know him or weren't used to the techno music. With the technology today, it has become possible to advertise and distribute his music all over the world and that's how he has become known in the states. In fact he has a number one hit in the charts called "Sexy Bitch" feat Akon.

I find it fascinating that 5 years ago when I first moved here people thought I was crazy listening to that kind of music but now with the help of the Media and technology the two different cultures have clashed and American citizens are starting to like his music.

It is awesome to think about that every country has their own cultures and values but in this era today we are able to experience or take a glimps at the differences with the use of technology or the help from Media. Check out his Website

My American friend Melissa is coming with me on my adventure to New York City and I am very excited to show her what my life in Germany looks like. ( On weekends)

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